Mosney ’12

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Mosney, Ireland 2012
Summer of Fun X 2 in Mosney Accomodation Centre began on Ist June 2012 with Dangerboy and Captain Incredible Man.

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These are two solo shows undertaken by two artists, Cormac and Cian, which was integrated into one show particularly for the children in Mosney.

“Performing in Mosney is like no other experience in Ireland, and both myself and Cian were delighted to be asked to return there again after last year. As soon as we arrived we were surrounded by young people who remembered us from the previous year, telling us about all the other shows that have visited.

The show itself was complete mayhem, and it was not until we finished that I realised the impact an event like this has on the Centre, as it was then that we were overwhelmed by the children who just wanted to stand next to us, give us high fives, shake our hands and just generally make sure we were real. This continued as we changed out of costume and had dinner with them, and as a performer this fills my heart and convinces me that what we do is not frivolous, but in some way shows young people that there are different ways of being and living.

CWB is doing a great service in Ireland and abroad, and we hope that some day soon we will be able to join one of the international exhibitions, in the mean time there are many people, not only in Mosney, but also our own population that could do with some entertainment that is outside their expectation.”

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On 19th July 2012 Professor Plunger (Con of the Fanzini Brothers)

“I performed in Mosney as Professor Plunger on behalf of Clowns Without Borders Ireland on Thursday 19th July.  I played my show and it was received extremely well by the audience.  I had a great time playing my show for them and they really bought into the feel of the show and the character.

They were very enthusiastic and the kids were very eager to be involved.  I noticed that there was a real wow factor in their reactions, which is increasingly and in my opinion sadly lacking in kids of the same age outside of Mosney.  I noticed very few adults at the show and a complete absence of men.

I also have to say that I was shocked and a little unsettled by Mosney.  It was the first time I had been in an asylum seekers centre and was totally unprepared for it.  The staff were fantastic, welcoming and friendly.  They made it very easy for me to make my show happen.

I feel that the Clowns Without Borders in Mosney is a fantastic initiative and very deserving of the funding it receives.”

On 15th August 2012 HakunaMatata

HakunaMatataconsist of two extremely talented acrobats from Uganda though based in Cork.  The children were enthralled to see two black performers and their presence drew in an additional audience of teenagers who normally do not attend CWB activities in Mosney.

All of the audience was thrilled with the acrobats, engaging fully with them in this very interactive show.

HakunaMatata were in Mosney during the Summer Camp which is hosted by Voluntary Services International (VSI) for the children there.  On this particular day it was raining and the children were indoors painting.  So they were particularly pleased to have the entertainment on that day.

It was through VSI that CWB Ireland was enabled to access Mosney initially and we have an on-going relationship with them which would not have been achieved without the grant received from Introart.

CWB Ireland is very grateful to Introart for funding Summer of Fun x 2.

Mosney 12

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Funded by Introart

See the Gallery

Mosney ’12